Graham Paige's in Australia |
News in Australian Graham Circles
Website Redesign You may notice that there has been a major redesign of the website. we had a number of borken links and uncompleted sections, and it was looking stale. So I decided to do a complete refresh. Please stick with me as I try and roll out the old galleries in the new format and maybe some new content 2018 GOCI Southern Cros Region Rally Announced The 2018 GOCI Southern Cross Region rally has been announced. It will be held in late march (Final date still to be set) at Phillip island. I will personally be organising the event. So please come along and celebrate the 90th birthday of Graham Paige cars. 2020 GOCI Southern Cross Region Rally has also been announced The 2020 Southern Cross Region Rally has also been announced as being in Queensland. Good luck Jannelle The Oldfield Stable has expanded Yet again My Long suffering wife has endured another purchase with my aquisition of another resotartion project. This one is a 1929 Graham Paige Model 615 Pheaton. This car will get its own page shortly |
Welcome to the premier website in Australia dedicated to Graham and Graham Paige Cars. Well ok, the only website in Australia dedicated to Graham and Graham Paige Cars. I am always happy to talk Graham stuff, just click the contact me button and send me an email Lats Updated on 01 May 2016 |
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